Online Platformi-frameHosted Payment PageDirect APIsGetting StartedTokenizationAccept paymentsMobile ApplicationAndroid SDKGetting StartedTokenizationAccept paymentsE-commerce PlatformGetting StartedWoo-commerceMagentoPrestaShopAPI ReferenceTesting
Online Platform
Kashier provides you with 3 Payment Integration methods for your online platform. You can integrate using prebuilt checkout forms or direct APIs.
No redirection
Fast & easy integration
Embedded form (soon)
No redirection
Fast & easy integration
Hosted Payment Page
Fast & easy integration
The i-frame is a checkout  popup window which opens on-top of  your payment page. This method is recommended if you prefer a fast and easy way of integration without any customizations.
The i-frame is a prebuilt payment form, which is easy to integrate in only 4 steps. You can test the form by generating a Test API Key.
1. Setup your Kashier account
Sign up to create a Kashier account
2. Generate an API Key
You can generate multiple i-frame API Keys as per your acceptance channels.
3. Create order hash
Order hashing is a prerequisite for order creation, which acts as a validation layer of what your customer is purchasing and order amount. Order hash generation uses HMAC SHA256.
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
let crypto = require("crypto");
function generateKashierOrderHash(order){
const mid = "MID-46-111";
const amount = order.amount;
const currency = order.currency;
const orderId = order.merchantOrderId;
const secret = "yourServiceSecretKey";
const path = `/?payment=${mid}.${orderId}.${amount}.${currency}`;
const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(path).digest('hex');
return hash;}
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
function generateKashierOrderHash($order){
$mid = "MID-46-111";
$amount = $order->amount;
$currency = $order->currency;
$orderId = $order->merchantOrderId;
$secret = "yourServiceSecretKey";
$path = "/?payment=".$mid.".".$orderId.".".$amount.".".$currency;
$hash = hash_hmac( 'sha256' , $path , $secret ,false);
return $hash; }
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
#Copy and paste this code in your Backend
import hmac
import hashlib
import binascii
def generateKashierOrderHash(order):
   mid = "MID-46-111";
   amount = order['amount']
   currency = order['currency']
   orderId = order['merchantOrderId']
   path = '/?payment={}.{}.{}.{}'.format( mid, orderId, amount, currency )
   path = bytes(path, 'utf-8')
   secret = "yourServiceSecretKey"
secret = bytes(secret, 'utf-8')
return, path, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
#The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class Kashier
     public static string create_hash()
         string mid = "MID-46-111";
         string amount = "20";
         string currency = "EGP";
         string orderId = "99";
         string secret = "Secret Key";
         string path = "/?payment=" + mid + "." + orderId + "." + amount + "." + currency;
         string message;
         string key;
         key = secret;
         message = path;
         System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
         byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(key);
         byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
         HMACSHA256 hmacmd256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte);
         byte[] hashmessage = hmacmd256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
         return ByteToString(hashmessage).ToLower();
     public static string ByteToString(byte[] buff)
         string sbinary = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < buff.Length; i++)
         sbinary += buff[i].ToString("X2"); // hex format
         return (sbinary);
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
mid (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
amount (string) Order amount
currency (string) Order currency (ISO: "EGP", "USD", "GBP" "EUR")
orderId (string) Unique Order Identifier
4. Add code snippet to your website
Fill in your order attributes, then add the following code snippet to your website.

//data-merchantRedirect should be "URI encoded"
data-store = "XYZ"
data-type = "external"

data-merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
data-amount (string) Order amount
data-hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
data-currency (string) Order currency
data-orderId (string) Unique Order Identifier
data-merchantRedirect (string) data-merchantRedirect should be "URI encoded
data-store (string)
Hosted Payment Page
The Hosted Payment Page is a payment form with a redirection checkout experience. This form is built for merchants without platforms, interested in a fast and easy method integration.
1. Setup your Kashier account
Sign up to create a Kashier account
2. Generate an API Key
You can generate multiple i-frame API Keys as per your acceptance channels.
3. Create order hash
Order hashing is a prerequisite for order creation, which acts as a validation layer of what your customer is purchasing and order amount. Order hash generation uses HMAC SHA256.
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
let crypto = require("crypto");
function generateKashierOrderHash(order){
const mid = "MID-46-111";
const amount = order.amount;
const currency = order.currency;
const orderId = order.merchantOrderId;
const secret = "yourServiceSecretKey";
const path = `/?payment=${mid}.${orderId}.${amount}.${currency}`;
const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(path).digest('hex');
return hash;}
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
function generateKashierOrderHash($order){
$mid = "MID-46-111";
$amount = $order->amount;
$currency = $order->currency;
$orderId = $order->merchantOrderId;
$secret = "yourServiceSecretKey";
$path = "/?payment=.".$mid.".".$orderId.".".$amount.".".$currency;
$hash = hash_hmac( 'sha256' , $path , $secret ,false);
return $hash; }
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
#Copy and paste this code in your Backend
import hmac
import hashlib
import binascii
def generateKashierOrderHash(order):
   mid = "MID-46-111";
   amount = order['amount']
   currency = order['currency']
   orderId = order['merchantOrderId']
   path = '/?payment={}.{}.{}.{}'.format( mid, orderId, amount, currency )
   path = bytes(path, 'utf-8')
   secret = "yourServiceSecretKey"
secret = bytes(secret, 'utf-8')
return, path, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
#The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
//Copy and paste this code in your Backend
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class Kashier
     public static string create_hash()
         string mid = "MID-46-111";
         string amount = "20";
         string currency = "EGP";
         string orderId = "99";
         string secret = "Secret Key";
         string path = "/?payment=" + mid + "." + orderId + "." + amount + "." + currency;
         string message;
         string key;
         key = secret;
         message = path;
         System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
         byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(key);
         byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
         HMACSHA256 hmacmd256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte);
         byte[] hashmessage = hmacmd256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
         return ByteToString(hashmessage).ToLower();
     public static string ByteToString(byte[] buff)
         string sbinary = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < buff.Length; i++)
         sbinary += buff[i].ToString("X2"); // hex format
         return (sbinary);
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
mid (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
amount (string) Order amount
currency (string) Order currency (ISO: "EGP", "USD", "GBP" "EUR")
orderId (string) Unique Order Identifier
4. Add code snippet to your website
Fill in your order attributes, then add the following code snippet to your website.
mid (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
amount (string) Order amount
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
currency (string) Order currency (ISO: "EGP", "USD", "GBP" "EUR")
orderId (string) Unique Order Identifier
merchantRedirect (string) Your callback URL - should be URI encoded
Direct APIs
Getting Started
To be able to integrate directly with Kashier APIs, you'll need to go through the following steps,
1. Setup your Kashier account
Sign up to create a Kashier account
2. Generate an API Key
You can generate single/multiple customizable form service API Keys as per your acceptance channels.
3. Create order hash
Order hashing is a prerequisite for order creation, which acts as a validation layer of what your customer is purchasing and order amount. Order hash generation uses HMAC SHA256.
const path = `/?payment=${mid}.${orderId}.${amount}.${currency}`;
const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(path).digest('hex');
return hash;}
//The Result Hash for /?payment=mid-0-1.99.20.EGP with secret 11111 should result 606a8a1307d64caf4e2e9bb724738f115a8972c27eccb2a8acd9194c357e4bec
mid (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
amount (string) Order amount
currency (string) Order currency (ISO: "EGP", "USD", "GBP" "EUR")
orderId (string) Unique Order Identifier
4. Environment Base URL
Please make sure to use one of the following Base URLs to integrate with our APIs.
Test mode
Live mode
Kashier provides you with 3 tokenization methods, where you can save card data as tokens based on your use case.
Multi-step Checkout form
(Temporary Card Token)
Expires in 10 minutes
Save Card for Later
(Permanent Card Token)
Doesn't expire
Pay and Save card
(Permanent Card Token)
Doesn't expire
Multi-step Checkout form (Temporary Card Token)
Temporary Card Tokens are used for multi-step checkout forms, where you can save your customers card details across your checkout pages. Temporary card tokens expire in 10 minutes.
"card_holder_name": "John Doe",
"card_number": "5111111111111118",
"ccv": "100",
"expiry_month": "05",
"expiry_year": "20",
"shopper_reference": "yourShopperId",
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
card_holder_name (string) Cardholder name
card_number (string) Card PAN number
CVV (string) Card Verification Value/Code
expiry_month (string) Card expiry month
expiry_year (string) Card expiry year
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
tokenValidity (string) Validity period of token (perm: permanent, temp: temporary)
        "cardHolderName":"John Doe",
Hash Failure Response:
     "cause":"invalid inputs"
Save Card for Later (Permanent Card Token)
Permanent Card Tokens are mainly used for card-on file payments, where you can charge your customers multiple times without prompting them to enter their card details for each payment. Permanent card tokens don’t expire.
"card_holder_name": "John Doe",
"card_number": "5111111111111118",
"ccv": "100",
"expiry_month": "06",
"expiry_year": "22",
"shopper_reference": "yourShopperId",
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
card_holder_name (string) Cardholder name
card_number (string) Card PAN number
CVV (string) Card Verification Value/Code
expiry_month (string) Card expiry month
expiry_year (string) Card expiry year
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
tokenValidity (string) Validity period of token (perm: permanent, temp: temporary)
        "cardHolderName":"John Doe",
Pay and Save card (Permanent Card Token)
This is the recommended payment integration method, as it enables you to pay and save card data for later use. This method tokenizes cards permanently.
  "merchantRedirect":" ",
amount (string) Your order amount
card_holder_name (string) Cardholder name
card_number (string) Card PAN number
CVV (string) Card Verification Value/Code
currency (string) Your order currency (ISO: “EGP”, “USD”, “GBP”, “EUR”)
display (string) Should be “en”
expiry_month (string) Card expiry month
expiry_year (string) Card expiry year
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
merchantRedirect (string) data-merchantRedirect should be "URI encoded
orderId (string) Your order Identifier
saveCard (string) Enum: should be “True”
serviceName (string) Should be: “customizableForm
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
              "transaction":{               }
        "order":{         },
           "merchantRedirectUrl":" ?paymentStatus=SUCCESS&cardDataToken=&maskedCard=511111******1118&merchantOrderId=60663&orderId=3a7d7683-a5bc-4bcc-b825-55e11e38ab18&cardBrand=&orderReference=TEST-ORD-6432&transactionId=TX-1256611208&amount=1&currency=EGP&signature=846e5a458b30b0bc5ad416394ea1f5bd13a85b62b0d7599e9b6115d11fbcad03"
     "en":"Congratulations! Your payment was successful",
     "ar":"تهانينا , لقد تم الدفع بنجاح"
List Saved Card Tokens
The ability to retrieve all shoppers saved/tokenized card tokens.
Accept Payments
Pay and Save Card
Pay with Permanent Card
Pay with Temporary Card
Pay and Save card
This is the recommended payment integration method, as it enables you to pay and save card data for later use. This method tokenizes cards permanently.
  "merchantRedirect":" ",
amount (string) Your order amount
card_holder_name (string) Cardholder name
card_number (string) Card PAN number
CVV (string) Card Verification Value/Code
currency (string) Your order currency (ISO: “EGP”, “USD”, “GBP”, “EUR”)
display (string) Should be “en”
expiry_month (string) Card expiry month
expiry_year (string) Card expiry year
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
merchantRedirect (string) data-merchantRedirect should be "URI encoded
orderId (string) Your order Identifier
saveCard (string) Enum: should be “True”
serviceName (string) Should be: “customizableForm
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
              "transaction":{               }
        "order":{         },
           "merchantRedirectUrl":" ?paymentStatus=SUCCESS&cardDataToken=&maskedCard=511111******1118&merchantOrderId=60663&orderId=3a7d7683-a5bc-4bcc-b825-55e11e38ab18&cardBrand=&orderReference=TEST-ORD-6432&transactionId=TX-1256611208&amount=1&currency=EGP&signature=846e5a458b30b0bc5ad416394ea1f5bd13a85b62b0d7599e9b6115d11fbcad03"
     "en":"Congratulations! Your payment was successful",
     "ar":"تهانينا , لقد تم الدفع بنجاح"
Pay with Permanent Card Token
Kashier enables capturing payments using pre-saved permanent card tokens. Where you don’t have to require your customers to enter their card details before each transaction.
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
cardToken (string) Your shopper’s card token
amount (string) Your order amount
currency (string) Your order currency (ISO: “EGP”, “USD”, “GBP”, “EUR”)
display (string) Should be “en”
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
orderId (string) Your order Identifier
serviceName (string) Should be: “customizableForm
     "en":"Congratulations! Your payment was successful",
     "ar":" , لقد تم الدفع بنجاح"
Hash Failure Response:
     "cause":"Invalid Token",
     "explanation":"The used token is not valid"
Pay with Temporary Card Token
Kashier enables capturing payments using pre-saved temporary card tokens, which is recommended for multi-step checkout forms.
merchantId (string) Your Kashier Merchant ID
shopper_reference (string) Your customer ID/reference
cardToken (string) Your shopper’s card token
ccvToken (string) Your shopper’s ccv Token
amount (string) Your order amount
currency (string) Your order currency (ISO: “EGP”, “USD”, “GBP”, “EUR”)
display (string) Should be “en”
hash (string) Order hash generated in Step 3
orderId (string) Your order Identifier
serviceName (string) Should be: “customizableForm
     "en":"Congratulations! Your payment was successful",
     "ar":" , لقد تم الدفع بنجاح"
Hash Failure Response:
     "cause":"Invalid Token",
     "explanation":"The used token is not valid"
Mobile Application
E-commerce Platform
Magento (soon)
Getting Started
Before using Kashier Plugins, you’ll need an API Key and your Kashier Merchant Identifier (MID) through the following steps,
1. Setup your Kashier account
Sign up to create a Kashier account
2. Generate an API Key
You can generate single/multiple customizable form service API Keys as per your acceptance channels.
  • Login to Kashier platform
  • Navigate to Integrate now page
  • Click on Generate for Customizable form service
Kashier Woo-commerce Plugin allows you to accept payments through your e-commerce platform. This Plugin provides you with a seamless integration into your payment page directly on your website.
To integrate with Kashier for WordPress platform,
Kashier PrestaShop Plugin allows you to accept payments through your e-commerce platform. This Plugin provides you with a seamless integration into your payment page directly on your website.
You can use the following cards for testing your integration with Kashier.
Card type Card number Cardholder name
MasterCard 5123450000000008
(3D-Secure Enrolled)
John Doe
(3D-Secure Enrolled)
Visa 4508750015741019
(3D-Secure Enrolled)
CSC/CVV response codes
CVV Response GW Code
Expiry date response codes
Expiry date Transaction Response Code